Getting the most out of video calls

With most of Glasgow's financial and business community now working from home, video conferencing has become the new norm. The team at IFSD Glasgow has conducted some research to help those less experienced get the most out of video calling. Here are ten top tips.

  1. Set up your camera at eye level. This is where a pile of books or a cardboard box may come in handy. Natural light works best. If you need illumination, a desk lamp with a softly lit bulb, situated to the side, pointing towards you, is recommended.
  2. Keep the background simple, clean and tidy. An attractive artwork on the wall behind you could even work as an ice breaker. Just remember, not everyone may appreciate your taste in art!
  3. Test all the equipment is working properly in advance of the call and ensure your device is fully charged.
  4. If you have others at home with you during the working day, there could be additional demands on your broadband line, so it may be a good time for those around you to take a short break from gaming on line or Netflix. If the wi-fi signal is weak, try connecting your device directly to the router, if you still have an ethernet cable to hand.
  5. Dress appropriately. Casual clothes are fine but don't wear anything you wouldn't wear on a dress down day at the office.
  6. Use headphones to minimise background noise and use the mute button while you are not talking. Just don't forget to switch back on when you want to make a contribution.
  7. If you can't make the call or need to leave before the end, flag this up. It saves people waiting for you or wondering why you've gone offline.
  8. If it's a larger group on line, then do say your name in advance of each contribution, so everyone else knows who is talking.
  9. Avoid multi-tasking during the call. No web browsing, catching up on emails or checking Twitter. And, so there's not a chorus of pings, dings, bells and swooshes interrupting the call, turn off notifications on your devices.
  10. Look directly in to the camera when you speak. Good posture conveys energy and enthusiasm. Feel free to use hand gestures to emphasise a point. This conveys passion and engagement. And, do smile regularly. It conveys positivity and right now, we need as much positivity as we can get.

Hope you find these tips helpful. Happy video calling!
